Negation of the statement : - $\sqrt{5}$ is an integer or $5$ is irrational is
$\sqrt{5}$ is an integer or $5$ is irrational is
$\sqrt{5}$ is not an integer and $5$ is not irrational
$\sqrt{5}$ is an integer and $5$ is irrational
$\sqrt{5}$ is not an integer or $5$ is not irrational
Statement $p$ $\rightarrow$ ~$q$ is false, if
Negation of $p \wedge( q \wedge \sim( p \wedge q ))$ is
The compound statement $(\mathrm{P} \vee \mathrm{Q}) \wedge(\sim \mathrm{P}) \Rightarrow \mathrm{Q}$ is equivalent to:
$\sim ((\sim p)\; \wedge q)$ is equal to
The number of choices of $\Delta \in\{\wedge, \vee, \Rightarrow, \Leftrightarrow\}$, such that $( p \Delta q ) \Rightarrow(( p \Delta \sim q ) \vee((\sim p ) \Delta q ))$ is a tautology, is