Negation of the statement : - $\sqrt{5}$ is an integer or $5$ is irrational is
$\sqrt{5}$ is an integer or $5$ is irrational is
$\sqrt{5}$ is not an integer and $5$ is not irrational
$\sqrt{5}$ is an integer and $5$ is irrational
$\sqrt{5}$ is not an integer or $5$ is not irrational
Let $F_{1}(A, B, C)=(A \wedge \sim B) \vee[\sim C \wedge(A \vee B)] \vee \sim A$ and $F _{2}( A , B )=( A \vee B ) \vee( B \rightarrow \sim A )$ be two logical expressions. Then ...... .
The statement $\sim(p\leftrightarrow \sim q)$ is :
$\sim (p \vee (\sim q))$ is equal to .......
The statement $A \rightarrow( B \rightarrow A )$ is equivalent to
The Boolean expression $ \sim \left( {p \Rightarrow \left( { \sim q} \right)} \right)$ is equivalent to