If $a, b, c$ are distinct positive numbers, each different from $1$, such that $[{\log _b}a{\log _c}a - {\log _a}a] + [{\log _a}b{\log _c}b - {\log _b}b]$ $ + [{\log _a}c{\log _b}c - {\log _c}c] = 0,$ then $abc =$
None of these
If ${a^x} = b,{b^y} = c,{c^z} = a,$ then value of $xyz$ is
The value of ${\log _2}.{\log _3}....{\log _{100}}{100^{{{99}^{{{98}^{{.^{{.^{{{.2}^1}}}}}}}}}}}$ is
Let $\left(x_0, y_0\right)$ be the solution of the following equations $(2 x)^{\ln 2} =(3 y)^{\ln 3}$ $3^{\ln x} =2^{\ln y}$ . Then $x_0$ is
The sum $\sum \limits_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{2 n^2+3 n+4}{(2 n) !}$ is equal to :
The number of solution pairs $(x, y)$ of the simultaneous equations $\log _{1 / 3}(x+y)+\log _3(x-y)=2$ $2^{y^2}=512^{x+1}$ is