Sets $A$ and $B$ have $3$ and $6$ elements respectively. What can be the minimum number of elements in $A \cup B$
If $A = \{x : x$ is a multiple of $4\}$ and $B = \{x : x$ is a multiple of $6\}$ then $A \cap B$ consists of all multiples of
If $A, B, C$ be three sets such that $A \cup B = A \cup C$ and $A \cap B = A \cap C$, then
If $A, B, C$ are three sets, then $A \cap (B \cup C)$ is equal to
If $n(A) = 3$, $n(B) = 6$ and $A \subseteq B$. Then the number of elements in $A \cup B$ is equal to
If $A = \{ x:x$ is a natural number $\} ,B = \{ x:x$ is an even natural number $\} $ $C = \{ x:x$ is an odd natural number $\} $ and $D = \{ x:x$ is a prime number $\} ,$ find $B \cap C$