Two toys are sold at $Rs.\,504$ each. One toy brings the dealer a gain of $12 \%$ and the other a loss of $4 \%$. The gain or loss per cent by selling both the toys is
$3 \frac{5}{13} \%$ Profit
$4 \frac{5}{13} \%$ Profit
$5 \frac{1}{13} \%$ Profit
$2 \frac{3}{13} \%$ Loss
By selling 80 ball pens for $Rs.\, 140$ a retailer loses $30 \%$. How many ball pens should he sell for $Rs.\, 104$ so as to make a profit of $30 \% ?$
When a book is sold at its Marked Price it gives a profit of $40 \% .$ What $\%$ will happen if it is sold at half the marked Price?
A man sells an article at $5 \%$ above its cost price. If he had bought it at $5 \%$ less than what he had paid for it and sold it at $Rs.\, 2$ less, he would have gained $10 \% .$ The cost price of the article is (in $Rs.$)
If cost price of $20$ tables is equal to selling price of $25$ tables, find the loss$\%$
A man buys $300$ dozen of bananas for $Rs.\, 3,600$. He sold $1 / 3^{rd}$ of the stock at a loss of $10 \%$ and the remaining $2 / 3^{rd}$ stock at a gain of $10 \% .$ Find his overall percent profit or loss.