A men sells two houses at the rate of $Rs.\,1.995$ Lakhs each. On one house he gains $20 \%$ and on the other he loses $20 \% .$ His gain or loss per cent in the whole transaction is
$5 \%$ loss
$4 \%$
$4 \%$ loss
None of these
A shopkeeper allows $23 \%$ commission on his advertised price and still makes a profit of $10 \%$. If he gains $Rs.\,56$ on one item. His advertised price of the item, in $Rs.$ is
While selling a watch, a shopkeeper gives a discount of $15 \% .$ If he gives a discount of $20 \%,$ he earns $Rs.\, 51$ less as profit. What is the original price of the watch? (in $Rs$)
A plate was sold for $Rs.\,6,300$ after giving two successive discounts of $12^{1 / 2} \%$ and $10 \% .$ Find the marked price. (in $Rs.$)
Ram purchases a chair at $Rs.\, 70$ and spent $Rs$. $17$ on its repair and $50$ paise on cartage. If he sold the chair at $Rs.\, 100$ then his approximate margin of profit in $\%$ will be?
The cost of an article including the sales tax is $Rs.\, 616$. The rate of sales tax is $10 \%$, if the shopkeeper has made a profit of $12 \%$, then the cost price of the article is in $Rs.$?