Mark the correct statements
$I.$ Fitness of individuals means reproductive fitness
$II.$ Homology in vertebrae brain indicates common ancestry
$III.$ Theory of acquired character was given by de Vries
$IV.$ After industrialization, the white moth did not survive due to predators
The correct option is
$I, II$ and $III$
$I, III$ and $IV$
$II, III$ and $IV$
$I, II$ and $IV$
Connecting link between man and ape was
According to the discovery made in $1980's$. $RNA$ can act like enzyme to assemble new $RNA$ molecules on $RNA$ template. Which of the following statements is not proved by this theory?
Who concluded that existing living forms sharesimilarities to varying degrees not only among them selves but also with life forms that existed millions of years ago ?
A scientist kept 72 generations of Drosophila in darkness. Even after that the first flies had normal eyes. This disapproves the theory of