In a class of $30$ pupils, $12$ take needle work, $16$ take physics and $18$ take history. If all the $30$ students take at least one subject and no one takes all three then the number of pupils taking $2$ subjects is
In a class of $55$ students, the number of students studying different subjects are $23$ in Mathematics, $24$ in Physics, $19$ in Chemistry, $12$ in Mathematics and Physics, $9$ in Mathematics and Chemistry, $7$ in Physics and Chemistry and $4$ in all the three subjects. The total numbers of students who have taken exactly one subject is
In a certain town $25\%$ families own a phone and $15\%$ own a car, $65\%$ families own neither a phone nor a car. $2000$ families own both a car and a phone. Consider the following statements in this regard:
$1$. $10\%$ families own both a car and a phone
$2$. $35\%$ families own either a car or a phone
$3$. $40,000$ families live in the town
Which of the above statements are correct
In a survey of $60$ people, it was found that $25$ people read newspaper $H , 26$ read newspaper $T, 26$ read newspaper $I, 9$ read both $H$ and $I, 11$ read both $H$ and $T,$ $8$ read both $T$ and $1,3$ read all three newspapers. Find:
the number of people who read at least one of the newspapers.
In a school there are $20$ teachers who teach mathematics or physics. Of these, $12$ teach mathematics and $4$ teach both physics and mathematics. How many teach physics ?
In a certain school, $74 \%$ students like cricket, $76 \%$ students like football and $82 \%$ like tennis. Then, all the three sports are liked by at least $......\%$