By Selling $80\, ball$ pens for $Rs.\, 140$, a retailer loses $30 \% .$ How many ball pens should he sell for $Rs.\,104$ so as to make a profit of $30 \% ?$
An $Ox$ and a carriage together cost $Rs.$ $8000$ The ox is sold at profit of $10 \%$ and carriage is sold at loss of $10 \% .$ If total profit made is $2.5 \%$ then what is the cost price of the $ox$? (in $Rs.$)
A man buys a cycle for $Rs$ $1400$ and sells it at a loss of $15 \% .$ What is the selling price of the cycle? (in $Rs.$)
If eggs are bought $12$ for $Rs.\, 10$ and sold at $10$ for $Rs.\, 12$. What is the gain or loss $\%.$
A pen was sold for a certain sum and there was a loss of $20 \% .$ Had it been sold for $Rs.\, 12$ more, there would have been a gain of $30 \% .$ What would be the profit if the pen was sold for $Rs.\, 4.80$ more than what it was sold for? (in $\%$)
If the selling price of $50$ articles is equal to the cost price of $40$ articles, then the loss or gain percent is