Two point charges of $20\,\mu \,C$ and $80\,\mu \,C$ are $10\,cm$ apart. Where will the electric field strength be zero on the line joining the charges from $20\,\mu \,C$ charge......$m$
A positively charged pendulum is oscillating in a uniform electric field pointing upwards. Its time period as compared to that when it oscillates without electric field
How many electrons should be removed from a coin of mas $1.6 \,g$, so that it may float in an electric field of intensity $10^9 \,N / C$ directed upward?
Three identical point charges, as shown are placed at the vertices of an isosceles right angled triangle. Which of the numbered vectors coincides in direction with the electric field at the mid-point $M$ of the hypotenuse
The unit of intensity of electric field is
Two charges $e$ and $3 e$ are placed at a distance $r$. The distance of the point where the electric field intensity will be zero is .........