The marked price of a watch was $Rs.\,720.$ A man bought the same for $Rs.\, 550.80$ after getting two successive discounts, the first being $10 \% .$ The second discount rate is.......$\%$
In these questions, two equations mabered $I$ and $II$ are given. You have to solve both the equations and mark the appropriate option..
$I$. $6 x^{2}+19 x+15=0$
$II$.$3 y^{2}+11 y+10=0$
A man sold his two horses for $Rs.\, 770$ each, on one he gained $10$ $\%$ $\&$ on the other he lost $10 \% .$ The average gain or loss percentage is
A rice trader buys $8$ quintals of rice for $Rs.\, 3,600,10 \%$ rice is lost in transportation. At what rate should he sell to earn $15 \%$ profit in $Rs.$ per quintal ?
A shopkeeper sold one$-$third of his goods at a loss of $15 \% .$ To get a profit of $10 \%$ on the whole transaction, he should sell the remaining articles at a profit of in $\%$
With a $5 \%$ discount on the cost of sugar, a buyer could purchase $2\, kg$ more sugar for $Rs.$ $608 .$ Selling price of sugar is? (in $Rs$)