The first mammals were like ...$A$... Their fossils are small sized. Mammals were ...$B$... and protected their unborn young inside the mother's body
Choose the correct option for $A$ and $B$ to complete the given $NCERT$ statement
$A-$shrews, $B-$viviparous
$A-$monkeys, $B-$viviparous
$A-$monkeys, $B-$oviparious
$A-$shrews, $B-$oviparious
Give the name of the first organism who invaded land
Match the following columns.
Column- $I$ |
Column- $II$ |
$A.$ $500$ million years ago |
$1.$ Sea weeds and few plants |
$B.$ $350$ million years ago |
$2.$ Jawless fishes |
$C.$ $320$ million years ago. |
$3.$ Inverbebrates |
What is false for Tyranosaurus rex ?