In floral formula the ( $千$ ) symbol stands for
Staminate flower
Bisexual flower
Pistillate Flower
Imperfect flower
The side of a flower facing the mother axis is called
Vivipary is seen in
Write the floral formula of an actinomorphic bisexual, hypogynous flower with five united sepals, five free petals. Five free stamens and two united carpals with superior ovary and axile placentation.
Given below are a few floral formulae of some well known plants. Draw floral diagrams from these formulae.
$(i)$ $ \oplus \,{K_{\left( 5 \right)}}\,{C_{\left( 5 \right)}}\,{A_5}\,{G_{\left( 2 \right)}}$
$(ii)$ $\% \,{K_{\left( 5 \right)}}\,{C_{1 + 2 + 3}}\,{A_{\left( 9 \right) + 1}}\,{G_1}$
$(iii)$ $ \oplus \,{K_5}\,{C_5}\,{A_{5 + 5}}\,{G_{\left( 5 \right)}}$
Which of the character does not become apparent in floral formula