If the cost price of an item is $\frac{2}{5}$ of its marked price and if it is sold at a discount of $10 \%,$ then there will be
$25 \%$ profit
$40 \%$ profit
$50 \%$ profit
$125 \%$ profit
A sells an article to $B$ at a gain of $25 \%, B$ sells it to $C$ at a gain $20 \%$ and $C$ sells it to $D$ at a gain of $10 \% .$ If $D$ pays $Rs.\, 330$ for it, how much did it cost $A?$ (in $Rs.$)
If profit is $\left(\frac{1}{11}\right)$ th of selling price, what is the profit percent?
A manufacturer undertakes to supply $2000$ pieces of a particular component at $Rs.\, 25$ per piece. According to his estimates, even if $5 \%$ fail to pass the quality tests, then he will make a profit of $25 \% .$ However, as it turned out, $50 \%$ of the components were rejected. What is the loss to the manufacturer ? (in $Rs.$)
When Ram sold his book for $Rs.\, 255$ he made a loss of $15\%.$ For how much he should have sold it if he wanted to make a profit of $5 \% ?$
Ram purchased a Computer set of $Rs.\, 12500$ and spent $Rs.\,300$ on transportation and $Rs.\, 800$ on installation. At what price should he sell it so as to earn an overall profit of $15 \% ?$ (in $Rs.$)