By selling an article for $Rs.\, 450,$ a man loses $10 \% .$ The gain or loss percent if he sells it for $Rs.\, 540$ is
loss $9 \%$
$\operatorname{gain} 8 \%$
loss $8 \%$
$\operatorname{gain} 9 \%$
A sells a suitcase to $B$ at $10 \%$ profit. $B$ cells it to $C$ at $30 \%$ profit. If $C$ pays $Rs.\, 2,860$ for it, then the price at which A bought it is (in $Rs.$)
A man purchased some eggs at $3$ for $Rs.\, 5$ and sold them at $5$ for $Rs.\, 12 .$ Thus, he gained $Rs.\, 143$ in all. The number of eggs he bought is
If the discount of $10 \%$ is given on the marked price of a radio, the gain is $20 \%$. If the discount is increased to $20 \%,$ the gain is......$\%$
If an item is sold for $Rs.\, 924$ then there is a profit of $10 \%$ then what is the cost price in $\%$?
A trader mixes $26\, kg$ of rice at $Rs.\, 20$ per $kg$ with $30\, kg$ of rice of another variety at $Rs.\, 36$ per $kg$ and sells the mixture at $Rs$ $30$ per $kg.$ His profit percent is