A fan costing $Rs. 1200$ is being sold for $Rs. 1500$. What is the profit percent?
The marked price of a watch was $Rs.\,720.$ A man bought the same for $Rs.\, 550.80$ after getting two successive discounts, the first being $10 \% .$ The second discount rate is.......$\%$
Ram sold two horses at the same price. In one he gets a profit of $10 \%$ and in the other he gets a loss of $10 \% .$ Then Ram gets
Abhishek purchased $140$ shirts and $250$ trousers at $Rs.\, 450$ and at $Rs.\, 550$ respectively. What should be the overall average selling price of shirts and trousers so that $40 \%$ profit is earned? (in $Rs.$)
(rounded off to next integer)
When a book is sold at its Marked Price it gives a profit of $40 \% .$ What $\%$ will happen if it is sold at half the marked Price?
A fruit seller bought $240$ bananas at the rate of $Rs.\, 48$ per dozen. He sells half of them at the rate of $Rs.\,5$ per banana, $\frac{1}{6}$ th of the remaining are found to be rotten. The price per banana at which he has to sell the remaining bananas to get a profit of $25 \%$ on his entire investment is (in $Rs.$)