$\oint$ stands for $\ldots A \ldots$ $\oplus$ stands for ...$B$... $\%$ stands for ...$C$...
Here, $A$ to $C$ refers to
$A-bisexual plant, B-actinomorphic, C-zygomorphic$
$A-unisexual, B-actinomorphic, C-zygomorphic$
$A-unisexual, B-zygomorphic, C-actinomorphic$
$A-bisexual plant, B-zygomorphic, C-actinomorphic$
Placenta and pericarp are both edible portions in
If the margins of sepals or petals overlap one another but not in any particular direction is called.
A typical angiosperm flower consists of four floral parts. Give the names of the floral parts and their arrangements sequentially.
Definitions / Explanation : Stipules
Which of the following is an example of actinomorphic flower?