Did Dobereiner’s triads also exist in the columns of Newlands’ Octaves ? Compare and find out.

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Only one triad of Dobereiner’s triads exists in the columns of Newlands’ octaves. The triad formed by the elements Li, Na, and K of Dobereiner’s triads also occurred in the columns of Newlands’ octaves.

Dobereiner’s triads

   Li & Ca & Cl  \\
   Na & Sr & Br  \\
   K & Ba & I  \\

 Newlands’ octaves

$H$ $Li$ $Be$ $B$ $C$ $N$ $O$
$F$ $Na$ $Mg$ $Al$ $Si$ $P$ $S$
$Cl$ $K$ $Ca$ $Cr$ $Ti$ $Mn$ $Fe$
$Co$ and $Ni$ $Cu$ $Zn$ $Y$ $In$ $As$ $Se$
$Br$ $Rb$ $Sr$ $Ce$ and $La$ $Zr$ - -

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