Fruit is

  • A

    Mature ovary developed before fertilisation

  • B

    Ripened ovary developed before fertilisation

  • C

    Ripened ovary developed after fertilisation

  • D

    Mature undeveloped ovary

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Mango and coconut are ‘drupe’ type of fruits. In mango, fleshy mesocarp is edible. What is the edible part of coconut ? What does milk of tender coconut represent ?

Identify the correct features of Mango and Coconut fruits.
($i$) In both fruit is a drupe
($ii$) Endocarp is edible in both
($iii$) Mesocarp in Coconut is fibrous, and in Mango it is fleshy
($iv$) In both, fruit develops from monocarpellary ovary
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Importance : 

$(i)$ Aleurone layer

$(ii)$ Epidermal layer